Patents and Other Scholarly Contributions


2. Zhang, Z.M., Datla, R.U., and Hanssen, L.M., 1998, “Copper-Nickel Alloy Films for Infrared Neutral Density Filters,” U.S. Patent, No. 5,726,797, March 10, 1998.

1. Bang, C.A., Flik, M.I., Schmidt, M.A., and Zhang, Z.M., 1993, “Superconducting Detector and Method of Making Same,” United States Patent, No. 5,264,375, November 23, 1993.

Other Publications

2. Zhang, Z.M., Gentile, T.R., Migdall, A.L., and Datla, R.U., 1998, Transmission Filters with Measured Optical Density at 1064 nm Wavelength – SRMs 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, and 2051, NIST Special Publication 260-128, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C.

1. Rice, J.P., and Zhang, Z.M., 1996, Liquid-Nitrogen-Cooled High Tc Electrical Substitution Radiometer as a Broadband IR Transfer Standard, NIST Technical Note 1414, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C.

Co-edited Proceeding Volumes

2. Nelson, R.A., Jr., Ball, K.S., and Zhang, Z.M. (eds.), Combustion and Radiation Heat Transfer, Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer Division, HTD–Vol. 361-2, New York, 1998, 163 pages.

1. Kaviany, M., Kaminski, D.A., Majumdar, A., Phelan, P.E., Yovanovich, M.M., and Zhang, Z.M. (eds.), Thermal Phenomena at Molecular and Microscales and in Cryogenic Infrared Detectors, Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer Division, HTD–Vol. 277, New York, 1994, 87 pages.