
New Courses Developed

(1) Microscale Thermal Phenomena, Undergraduate Elective (Fall’99, Fall’00, Fall’01)

The first introduction of the Microscale Thermal Phenomena course to undergraduate students (Tech Elective), as part of the educational plan for Zhang’s PECASE project from NSF. Students have gained a fundamental understanding of thermal transport and properties at small length and short time scales. They have also contemporary trends in micro/nanotechnology.

(2) Microscale Heat Transfer, Graduate Course (Spring 2000, Spring 2001)

This is also part of Zhang’s educational plan for the PECASE project. The course covers microscale thermophysics, conduction, convection, and radiation, with laboratory demonstration. This course exposes students to recent developments in micro/nanoscale technology and the significance of microscale thermal engineering. It also teaches students the methodology for solving microscale heat transfer problems as applied to emerging technologies.

(3) Advanced Temperature Measurements, Graduate Course (Spring 2002)

This course was developed under the NSF Action Agenda Grant in Advanced Measurement Techniques for Emerging Technologies in Thermal Engineering, for which Dr. Zhang is a co-PI. This course integrates the fundamental principles of radiation heat transfer with applications to thermometry practice. Experimental modules were introduced on the use of an optical fiber thermometer to measure the temperature of semiconductor wafers and the use of FT-IR spectrometer to measure the radiative properties of thin films.

(4) Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer and Thermophysics, Graduate Course (Fall 2003; Fall 2005)

Built upon previous microscale courses taught at the University of Florida, the new course focuses on the recent development in micro/nanoscale conduction and radiation. In Fall 2003 and Fall 2005, over 30 graduate students enrolled in this class and most of them had a positive learning experience.

(5) ME 6309 Nanoscale Heat Transfer, Graduate Course (Spring 2007; 2009)

Microscopic concepts and methodology in thermal science, including equilibrium statistics, Boltzmann transport equation, and nano-microscale heat conduction and radiation, with applications in contemporary technologies.

Additional Courses Taught

Undergraduate level

EML 4140/4141 Heat Transfer I/II (1996 – 2002 nine times, over 450 students)

ME 3345 Heat Transfer (2002 – 2006 five times, over 250 students)

ME 3720 Introduction to Fluid and Thermal Engineering (Fall’07)

ME 4053 Mech Eng Sys Lab (2006 –, over 800 students)


EML 5104 Classical Thermodynamics (1995 – 2001 seven times, over 120 students)

EML 5105 Statistical Thermodynamics (Spr’97)

EML 6157 Radiation Heat Transfer (Spr’96, Spr’98, Spr’00)

ME 6304 Principles of Thermodynamics (Fall’04)